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Mission Booklet

Presbyterians believe mission is not so much an obligation but an opportunity - to see how God, who is already present in all places, can and does work in marvelous new ways helping us grow in our own faith and cömmitment to Christ's mission. We are called by Jesus Christ to take our mission into the world, sharing with others the gifts that God has given us. Members and friends of Community Presbyterian Church have embraced these opportunities to see how God works by committing to the following local, national, and international causes. 

Church World Service-Blanket Sunday


Church World Service is a faith-based organization established after the devastation of World War II. Over the years, they have transformed communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, and the devastation of war or natural disasters. During the months of January and February, our congregation supports the Church World Service by hosting a Blanket Campaign. We have fun raising funds from family and friends using mini M&M canisters for the collection of quarters. This ties into Valentine's Day as we "Blanket the World with Love."

Activities & Interest


Worship & Music

  • CHOIR - Let your voice be heard, sing in the Choir.

  • LITURGIST - Read Scripture at Sunday Worship.

  • GREETER/USHER - Welcome people attending worship, hand out bulletins, assist seating.


Office Volunteers

  • ASSIST OFFICE STAFF - Perform various office task as needed.

  • CHURCH PUBLICATIONS - Assist in newsletter preparation, editing, layout, photography, etc.

  • CHURCH MAILING - Stamp, fill envelopes, fold letters, etc.

  • GRAPHIC DESIGN - Design and update billboards, posters, etc.

Flowers used in a church wedding.jpg


  • STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGNS - Promote, educate, phone calls, etc.

  • BUILDING & GROUNDS - Maintain, scape, and care for the Church grounds.

  • TRANSPORTATION - Provide transportation to Worship or Church activities.

  • FLOWERS - Sign up to provide flowers for the sanctuary, deliver flowers after Services. 

  • CRISIS BOOK - Sign up for the Member Care Crisis Book, meal preparation, delivery.

White Tableware


  • MEMBER CARE - Assist the Member Care Committee.

  • SUMMERFEST - Help prepare, sell, cook, clean up, etc.

  • FELLOWSHIP HOUR - Host be part of a team that hosts fellowship

  • SPECIAL DINNERS - Help cook, prepare, serve, clean up, etc.

Prayer Group

Christian Faith Formation

  • BIBLE STUDY - Study, learn, and share the Holy Bible.

Signing a Contract

Session Standing Committees

Our session still meets regularly in prayer and for the running of the community, but the committees will reform with a new pastor.

​​We are committed to our journey with God at Community Presbyterian Church and we invite you to join us! We trust that as you worship with us, you will find a place to connect, a path of study, a time to worship, a way to serve, and opportunities for fellowship.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God- not the result of works, so that no one may boast. "

(Ephesians 2:8-9)

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