| 1501 West Brigantine Avenue, Brigantine, NJ 08203 | Ph: (609) 266-7942 | Email: brigchurch@aol.com


Everyone is welcome to join us for worship as we seek to further God’s Will and God’s Word in the world.
We offer the Lord’s Supper services usually on the first Sunday of each month and also during special observances in the life of the Christian community.
Worship Schedule
Sunday Mornings
John 3:17
For God did not send the Son into the world, to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.
Both services give us the chance to share our faith. Each service has its own flavor. Come try them all!
To make your worship service more enjoyable and informative we offer a Weekly Bulletin that contains the outline of each particular service with an easy to follow layout including, The Call to Worship, Scripture Readings locations, Passing the Peace, Hymn number, Sermon title, Responsive Prayer Readings, Joys & Concerns, Offering our gifts to God, and Benediction.
The church participates in God’s mission to the world through its ministry and worship. Worship presents the reality of the divine rule which God has promised in Jesus Christ as the final renewal of creation. The worshiping community in its integrity before the Word and its unity in prayer and Sacraments is a sign of the presence of the reign of God. The church in its ministry bears witness to God’s reign through the proclamation of the gospel, through works of compassion and reconciliation, and through the stewardship of creation and of life. Signs of God’s reign are also manifest in the world wherever the Holy Spirit leads people to seek justice and to make peace.
God calls the church in worship to join the mission of Jesus Christ in service to the world. As it participates in that mission the church is called to worship God in Jesus Christ, who reigns over the world. (Book of Order)
Our worship resources include:
- Holy Bible (NRSV)
Book of Order (PCUSA)
The Book of Confessions
Other resources deemed appropriate by the Pastor and the Session