Dear Members and Friends,
It’s Jeanie writing again!
I may not be on vacation… and I haven’t been on one in a super long time it feels… BUT… I write this note to you whilst sitting on my porch, by candlelight and computer light, listening to cricket, katydid, whip-poor-will, and the wind in the trees. It’s a little chilly, and it is ever so peaceful. This might just be the only relaxation I need; the daily check-in with life at the end of the day. And here, in this ordinary place of mine, on an evening after a long day full of the stresses that have my name on them, I can relax, and pray for us all.
As I sit here, I can imagine YOU as a community and as individuals; issues I know you might be dealing with, as well as my own, are community issues, too. I hold them up to God. I hold you up to God. And although it isn’t always the case, tonight God feels very present in the cool Autumn air and in the sound of life. That’s a little bonus.
These are tough times.
Things could be so much better, and things could be so much worse.
We rejoice in the love and the ways in which our culture and community do things very well. We pray and brainstorm the ways in which we can improve: push towards justice, love, freedom, joy.
What we have, regardless of good times or bad, is each other.
Our texts for the last few weeks have drawn us in very closely to consider the power and difficulty in forgiveness and how that alters relationships. What an amazing thing. True forgiveness is justice, love, freedom, and joy! In that, we can sustain the relationship that is the core of the community. Without community…. what are we?
Let God’s Word wrap around you like a shawl in the chilly air! Revisit the scripture text from last week… This week’s text will not disappoint! God is with us in this!
Know that you are loved!!!
Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for singing, and 10:15 am, for worship.
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"...and what does the Lord require of you? Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:6-8