Dear Members and Friends,
Annie and I are still recovering (emotionally) from this past Sunday. During worship and the baptism of our grand-daughter Celine, we had to fight back the tears. All through the service, we knew it was almost our last time to be together with the congregation. Almost everyone in our immediate family got to spend time together in church and then we went for lunch at the P.Den which turned out to be a pretty rare occasion these days (Covid). And… an anonymous donor paid the bill for our lunch… (you know who you are… thank you for that kind, loving gesture!)
But then at 3, we went to the Laguna Grill for our farewell party… wow was that great. We were blown away by the care and love expressed by so many of our church and community members. It will be a day to remember for a long long time. Annie and I are grateful to all the organizers of the event and to our host Rip Reynolds who donated the entire cost of the event back to the church. For all those who shared heartfelt messages and for so many of you who have written notes and letters to express your feelings…we shall not forget! “Thanks for the memories…”
At the beginning of the Pandemic in March of 2020, I began writing this letter as a way to keep us in touch with one another, to share important information and hopefully, to life spirits in a time that was especially difficult for some of us. This will be the last letter that I will write as your pastor. At first, we mailed out nearly 150 letters each week, but now that number is down to just under 25. With Drew McCrosson’s help who sends out the mailing by e-mail… and Sharon Arena who posts everything on the Website (, just a few of you still enjoy getting a posted letter (I completely understand).
But the time has come to try to access the bulletin, Brenda’s news, the hymns, our Concerns List through an email from Drew or by checking the Website. Please contact the office if this is impossible for you… or if you need help with your technology. Brenda can be reached at (609) 266-7942.
It has been a wonderful honor and privilege to be the pastor of the Community Presbyterian Church of Brigantine for these past 30 years. Thank you for the partnership we have enjoyed in living the Good News for each other and for our community. The congregation will be constantly in our prayers… and we covet the same for us, from you. When Jesus said good-bye he reminded his disciples to love one another! “Be doers of the Word, not hearers only!” (Letter of James)
Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 8:00 AM and/or 10:00 AM for singing, and 10:15 AM for worship. Use this link If you haven’t joined us for “virtual worship”, give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.
