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Writer's pictureRev. John Scotland

December 16, 2020 Message

​Dear Members and Friends,

Larry Wilhite writes in his Christmas letter of his fondness of “O Holy Night” and how the lyric seems so appropriate this year… “The thrill of hope. The weary world rejoices!” How true those words rang out for all of us this year as news of the release of the vaccine for COVID-19 came out on the 3rd Sunday in Advent often called Gaudete, (Latin for “REJOICE”)! We all can breathe a collective sigh of relief…and yet there is so much that remains to be done. We are called to maintain our vigilance of masking, distancing and washing for months to come. The vaccine, even if you receive it, does not accomplish immunity for up to a month and until after you receive the second dose. Other vaccines may be different. We can all imagine what life will be like once we have achieved “immunity”… but it is still a far off hope and so we can make plans and prepare for that day, but in the meantime, maintain vigilance! Our Worship Task Force has met and drafted a plan for up to 40 people to be able to attend live worship in the sanctuary. That plan will need approval of both Session and the Commission on Ministry of the Presbytery, but eventually, it may lead to joining together in public worship. Even then, it will be different. We will have to sit apart from one another, wear masks, pass the peace with signs of love and hope (no hugs nor kisses) and we will be encouraged to limit our fellowship to distanced conversations outside following worship. Its hopeful news and it is a cause for rejoicing, but as Larry goes on to say in his letter, we are called to remember the weary world that just goes on being weary. Those who are chronically poor and literally hungry every day. Those who fight for their lives because of other health conditions not related to COVID-19. Those who are weary from mourning loss and wrestling with grief. Our new found reality will not ring true to our call to be disciples of Jesus Christ until we are acting out our commitment to the one who announces “good news to the poor, recovery of sight to the blind, the release of all those who are held in fetters of any kind”. As we revel in what it means to discover hope once again at Christmas, let us commit ourselves to being that hope for the weary world that goes on.

Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for singing, and 10:15 am for worship. Use this link If you haven’t joined us for “virtual worship”, give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999. ...and why don't you come by the church and pick up a HYMNAL? Carol Sing Christmas Morning at 11:00 am. WE HAVE A DEVOTIONAL GUIDE FOR ADVENT AVAILABLE ONLINE OR IN PRINT, PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW YOU WANT TO ACCESS THIS RESOURCE!

WE HAVE A DEVOTIONAL GUIDE FOR ADVENT AVAILABLE ON LINE OR IN PRINT, PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW YOU WANT TO ACCESS THIS RESOURCE!​ Christmas Eve Labyrinth of Light At the Community Presbyterian Church of Brigantine back-lawn 5pm to 9pm, December 24th, 2020 Online worship at 5pm and livestream 11pm Candlelit Service (Masks and social distancing required)

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