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  • Writer's pictureRev. John Scotland

July 14, 2021 Message

Dear Members and Friends,

Brenda Rupp, the Church Administrator for the past 27 years, is taking a well-deserved vacation this week… while Mission Teams of youth have begun to arrive to do community service and enjoy the hospitality we are able to offer here in Brigantine because of the shower trailer that we inherited from the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program back after Superstorm Sandy (2012). The trailer is maintained thanks to volunteers who clean it (thanks Barb Culver), and plumbers who fix it when it leaks (thanks Bill and Steven Schneider!). The Mission Teams are working in Atlantic City at Sister Jean’s Pantry and with the Community Gardens Projects (C.R.O.P.S.).

I am on the mend from an accident that happened at the end of Summerfest. Thanks for all your prayers and concerns expressed in phone calls and cards… very much appreciated. I have been moved too by the sentiments expressed concerning my retirement. Many of you have said some very kind and generous things about our ministry together through the years and I appreciate those expressions of caring. I am confident that our church organization is strong and that our leaders will step up to the challenge of a transition in pastoral ministry. Afterall, we are “Presbyterians” a church of “elders” with faith, hope and love. The experience of self-governance will serve the church well during the coming months. And our inter-connectedness with other churches and the Presbytery should serve to bring you confidence that we are not alone in this experience and that there are others who are ready to provide assistance and assurance during this transition. Fear not! For Jesus Christ is with you wherever two or more are gathered in his name. And the Spirit will lead you, for God still has much to accomplish through your witness!

If you have concerns, questions or comments, please contact one of the elders of our congregation so that your voice may be heard. We trust that the Spirit will guide us all through this time and we know that the Spirit can speak through any of us… maybe the Spirit has got the word we need…and it will come through you! I hope to see you at worship!

Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 8:00 AM and/or 10:00 AM for singing, and 10:15 AM for worship. Use this link If you haven’t joined us for “virtual worship”, give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.

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