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Writer's pictureRev. John Scotland

May 10, 2021 Message

Dear Members and Friends,

Slowly, day by day, we are coming to the realization that life is opening up again as the COVID19 numbers dwindle. Thanks be to God! But there are challenges ahead for all of us. There is a great deal of stored-up anxious energy that will be exhibited in unforeseen and unpredictable ways, especially as summer approaches and especially in a place like Brigantine!

Life is not going to go back to what it was before the Pandemic. Embrace that opportunity before returning to old habits, former ways of doing things, rote routine. Reflect, ponder and consider the decisions we will face in the next few months. Consider your end goal as we are called upon to “return to life as normal”.

Try not to get too anxious. “This too shall pass” …just like the year of being shut-in. It may be hard to schedule air travel or a vacation. Gas prices may rise. There may be a great number of summer visitors coming to the island. It's OK, the sharp rise in activity will level out eventually.

Both in your personal life and in our faith walk together, this time of adjustment should be a time of thoughtful consideration of what God calls us to do and be with family, friends, and in the larger community. Let us look for opportunities to be kind, compassionate, and charitable. AND… we need to remember to give thanks to God and celebrate what we have all come through together. Life is opening up again, let's not take this opportunity for granted!

Member Care Committee chairperson, Jim Walker, needs volunteers to help provide transportation to folks who are seeking treatment. If you are able and can lend a hand (and the time), please give Jim a call (609) 338-2252 or contact him by email at

And call Pam Schneider if you have time and energy to help with Summerfest which is going to have a very different look to it…that’s something we can predict!

Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for singing, and 10:15 am for worship. Use this link

If you haven’t joined us for “virtual worship”, give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.

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