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  • Writer's pictureRev. John Scotland

May 26, 2021 Message

Dear Members and Friends,

Wow, what a dramatic change! The only thing predictable about the Pandemic is that it is changing all the time and it is totally unpredictable! The CDC issued instructions that masks are not necessary for those who have been vaccinated outdoors. Indoors, restrictions are being lifted as we speak… but not yet in New Jersey. HOLD IT! CHANGES MADE IN NJ TOO! BUT… our guidelines for attending live worship remain in place. (PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU VIEW THE VIDEO ON OUR WEBSITE WRITTEN AND PRODUCED BY OUR YOUNG PEOPLE ABOUT THE GUIDELINES FOR “FLYING PRESBYTERIAN”!)

The Presbytery has asked us to be especially considerate of our children and other people who are ineligible for the vaccine or who have chosen not to be vaccinated. There is a felt concern that we not create any different treatment of anyone based on whether they were vaccinated or not. As usual, we will live into a new reality. Please come and join us for Worship, either at 8:00 AM when there is lots of room, or at 10:15 AM where you may see other members for the first time in over a year.

Wait… isn’t this the same letter as last week? Uh… yes, but nothing has changed for us yet! Session is meeting tomorrow night… we will update you as changes keep coming. Please bear with us and lets be joy-filled that the Pandemic is winding down, albeit, too slowly for many.

Meanwhile, Administration and Finance is considering opening the building for more use by groups interested in Summer activities, meetings and special events. Summerfest planning is well underway and we really need your help so please volunteer!

Member Care Committee chairperson, Jim Walker, needs volunteers to help provide transportation to folks who are seeking treatment. If you are able and can lend a hand (and the time), please give Jim a call (609) 338-2252 or contact him by email at

Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 8:00 AM and/or 10:00 AM for singing, and 10:15 AM for worship. Use this link If you haven’t joined us for “virtual worship”, give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.

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