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November 4, 2020 Message


Updated: Nov 5, 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

​The election has come and gone and yet… no final resolution. Hmmm, feels a lot like that end of the season episode where we are left on the edge of our seats wondering what is going to happen! This much can be said: apathy is on the run, and people of all ages, shapes, sizes, and colors are engaged in the U.S. political landscape. That is wonderful because apathy is still our greatest foe (my opinion)! And no matter what the result, it's going to be fine! We are people of faith and God Reigns…no matter what. Amen? The Turkey Dinner has come and gone… awesome resolution. We raised over $7,000, serving over 500 meals! Unbelievable!  Many, many thanks to Rip Reynolds and Tony Bruno at Laguna Grill who provided the scrumptious turkey and all the fixings. Thanks to Pam and Bill Schneider who organized an amazing crew of volunteers. It was wonderful to gather in our church space, (safely, with masks on), to work as a team. The social interaction was the best!  The extra income from a very successful Turkey Dinner will certainly help to offset our loss of income this year. The Administration and Finance Committee is already working on a budget for 2021. Those faithful givers who “pledge” their support each year have given over and above what they promised and we are all very grateful! In order to plan for the coming year, please consider your pledge for 2021 now and send/drop off your enclosed pledge card early!  We want to apologize for those of you who tuned in last Sunday only to discover that you could not live stream worship on All Saints Day. It was very disappointing but we know that it was due to a problem with our internet carrier Comcast, (Wind? In Brigantine?). You can now access the service on our Facebook page or on the website... and please make sure to tune in this week! Have a problem accessing the recording? Please call John or Jeannie for assistance. Have concerns about returning to live worship? Please let your ideas and opinions be known to the small committee of folks working on a re-entry plan. Sonia Wagner and Kim Grahsler are elders leading this workgroup. Chikita Wallace, Paul Robinson, Gina Kerley, and Luanne Usinger are anxious to hear your thoughts. Why not give them a call or email them to share what you think.

​​Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for singing, and 10:15 am, for worship. Use this link If you haven't joined us for our "virtual worship", give me a call - you need to join us!  The CHURCH WEBSITE is  My email is  My cell phone is (609) 457-2999. ​​ MEMBER PICTURE DIRECTORIES ARE IN! Drop by the office to pick your up.

- John

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