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October 20, 2020 Message


Dear Members and Friends,

The election (AND Turkey Dinner) are two weeks away! If you have not already voted, have you got a plan? Jim Walker, chair of Member Care wants to make sure everyone has access to voting. So if you need a ride or any assistance in order to vote, let Jim know! And if you need tickets (takeout only), for Election Night Turkey Dinner, call the office at (609) 266-7942. Don’t wait till the last minute, we are only providing a limited number of dinners this year.

If you want to get your hands dirty and can spare a few hours, why not come to the church building this Saturday, October 24th to help us “fix-up” somethings that need a little attention. You can be assigned a task, work by yourself or with another person, and help us to keep the building in tip-top shape, equipped to be of service to our community! We have a list of items in the office, or you may have a desire to do something you notice needs your skill or gifts. Let us know and we will match you up with a task!

Have concerns about returning to live worship? Please let your ideas and opinions be known to the small committee of folks working on a re-entry plan. Sonia Wagner and Kim Grahsler are elders leading this workgroup. Chikita Wallace, Paul Robinson, Gina Kerley, and Luanne Usinger are anxious to hear your thoughts. Why not give them a call or email them to share what you think.

New Members Inquiry adult sessions are being held on ZOOM on Tuesday nights at 7 PM. If you have an interest, why not join us? Let John know to receive an email invite.

Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for singing, and 10:15 am, for worship.

If you haven't joined us for our "virtual worship", give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.


If you don’t need the mailing and can download from the Website; or you receive an email from Drew McCrosson with worship materials and a weekly letter, please let the office know.

My friends, the Virus Crisis is NOT over. Numbers are rising across New Jersey and in Atlantic County. Remain diligent and safe. Wear your mask, wash your hands, or use a good sanitizer, keep social distance, and avoid a larger crowd of people in close proximity… especially a group of people you love like your family. It's not going to go on forever - but messing up and being responsible for someone you love getting sick is a burden you would have to bear the rest of your life. Don’t live in fear, but be mindful, and let's just do what we know works.

- John

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