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  • Writer's pictureRev. John Scotland

October 5, 2020 Message

Dear Members and Friends,

As I said during my sermon this past Sunday, Annie and I have sold our house on Vardon Rd. and we are moving into a rental property on 24th St. in the “A” Zone, thanks to Sue and John Ferguson.  We have very mixed feelings about leaving the house Annie built following Super Storm Sandy in 2012.  Our original house is where we raised our family, so we have already mourned the loss of the structure that was once our “home”…but we are leaving a special place, a community of neighbors some of whom we have grown close to over thirty years.  We are excited to be “down-sizing” a reality to which many of you can relate…and we are open to the adventure that God has planned for us in the future.  For now, we are staying put in Brigantine. This coming month promises to be a very busy time.  We are already planning for a “Take Out Only” Election Night Turkey Dinner on November 3rd. There is a limited number of tickets so make sure you get one early ($15).  Stop by the church office and we will work thru the window, or you can simply send a check to the church and we will send you back your tickets! I am organizing a New Members Zoom Class so let me know if you or someone you know is interested in participating.  The Worship Team is busy studying the criteria from the Governor’s Office and the Presbytery about a plan for opening and using the building during COVID-19.  Activities for children and young people are being discussed by parents and teachers as to what may be possible and safe for us all.  And, it's time we get Sister Jean’s Kitchen open as an emergency food pantry in Atlantic City.  Yes, October is going to be a busy important month! This past week, I was reading an article online from a Presbyterian News Source that was discussing the signs that indicate if churches will be open in five years.  Two of those signs seemed most critical for us.  1.  The Building is a gift for doing ministry. It is not the center of what our faith means.  We need to move beyond our building and be out in the world as a witness.  So returning to “normal”, getting back into our building should not be the goal. 2.  Social media as a form of our witness should not be a secondary method or an after-thought.  It is a powerful tool for a witness that should remain a high priority for the future!  Think about it.


Please join us LIVE on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for singing, and 10:15 am, for worship.

Use this link

If you haven't joined us for our "virtual worship", give me a call - you need to join us! The CHURCH WEBSITE is My email is My cell phone is (609) 457-2999.

Maintain the course, steady as she goes!  Remain diligent, safe, and be well.  Peace,

- John

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